Thursday, February 18, 2010

Katastrophe and Athens Boys Choir Hit the Stage at BU Central

A small yet united crowd convenes at BU Central tonight. The show opens with the treasurer of Spectrum, Vishnu Karaya, introducing the two acts for F to (e)Mbody - Katastrophe and Athens Boys Choir - and announcing Spectrum's main agenda: to provide gender neutral housing at BU in the near future.

Katastrophe (Rocco Kayiatos) is up first and is looking good in his black-and-red checkered winter hat. He starts off with a poem entitled "Enough Man." He rarely skips a beat or bites his tongue and his lyrics are very smooth and quick-witted. Born in San Francisco, he pokes fun at Boston weather and how he's amazed at how small the size of snowflakes actually are in person. He personally imagined them to be the size of large paper plates.

Favorite song by Kayiatos of the night: "Big Deal." The bass beat and chorus are very smooth and catchy. He gladly dedicates the song to all the kids that once made fun of him back in high school. Katastrophe focuses his performance around sexual humor while incorporating more serious issues, such as his being transsexual and having to deal with bouts of depression. He ends his set by hopping into the crowd and singing along with the ecstatic audience.

Athens Boys Choir (Harvey Katz) hits the stage next, dedicating his first poem, "Lindsay Lohan," to the celebrity and her keeping it real with her "natural red hair." Katz focuses his set on life stories expressed through rhyming words and poetry without background music. He reminisces of a youth filled with confusion and questioning before being able to embrace his transsexuality.

He skips a few beats throughout his set, but recovers each rhyme quickly and starts back up with twice the amount of energy and emotion. He incorporates a home music video entitled "EZ Heeb" during his performance. The video is of his Bat Mitzvah, which exhibits his life living as young woman "Elizabeth" before he came out as a transgendered male in the year 2002.

He ends his set with
"Faggette," a rap song that embraces Athens Boys Choir's sexuality in a somewhat humorous fashion.

The artists give thanks to Spectrum and close the show with a homemade video of Katastrophe and Athens Boys Choir in their hotel room dancing along to the song
"Butterflies" by Nicky Click.

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